...for mypartyplanner.com and we'll see if it gets approved but here it is:
"If you are planning an interactive event for a corporate holiday party - whether a murder mystery, game show, wedding show - you name it, this has been the top ten things to remember, at least in our 17 years of experience:
1. Location - Whether it be your own home, office or an outside venue - make sure the event is permitted and feasible for that location.
2. Location - Again, this is a holiday party and people live all over. Make sure the location is convenient.
3. Location - I guess we sound like a real estate agent by now but again you need to make sure it is handicap accessible.
4. Date - If it is a weekday, remember: the workers have work the next day. If it is on the weekend, remember: the workers may have children and babysitters to consider - which leads to the next concern.
5. Time - If it is during the day, you will be missing a work day and some workers and management may not attend because work is work. If it is at night, see number 4 above.
6. Meal plan - The interactive event will be centered around a meal - so will it be a buffet, sit down dinner, 3 course, 4 course, etc.
7. Alcohol - Will it be served (some companies and groups have restrictions and you certainly don't want a holiday party where people will complain about their co-workers the next day). Will it be a cash bar or open bar and for how long.
8. Table Layout - You want everyone to see the event to participate so watch out for pillars, corners and I guess this goes back to numbers 1 through 3 again: location, location, location.
9. Company concerns - Are there any awards, speeches, etc. that are to be presented? If so, you want it to be incorporated into the event so everything works together and flows smoothly.
10. Hire a professional company - I suggest you find the company directly because I can assure you that if you are working through an agent, event planner, etc., you will pay for that service. Of course, some performers, etc. can only be booked through an agent or booker - it's your decision.
This article was submitted by The Killing Kompany. Since 1993, Jon Avner as The Killing Kompany has performed throughout the country, for major corporations, fundraisers, family parties, etc. And The Killing Kompany creates a new show each time, with professional Broadway, TV and film actors seated among you and you are part of the show! Not only world famous for murder mystery shows, but for other interactive events like game shows, wedding shows, psychic night...you name it! Please check out our web site at www.killingkompany.com. We also invite you to join us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/killingkompany and find out what our actors, venues, audience members, and other fans and friends are up to! Or join our Facebook fan site at http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Killing-Kompany-Comedy-Mystery-Dinner-Shows/63163239113 ! Or link up to us on Linked In at http://www.linkedin.com/in/killingkompany! Or join us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/killingkompany! Or follow our blog at http://killingkompany.blogspot.com/
THE KILLING KOMPANY - Mystery Dinner Theatre Shows
E mail "killingkompany@killingkompany.com"
Web "www.killingkompany.com"
Phone 1 888 SHOOT-EM
Fax 212 202-6495
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